
Chat Offences

<aside> 💬 Chat Spam 30m Mute → 1h Mute → 3h Mute


Sending 5+ messages that are typed within 15 seconds and are uninterrupted or sending the same message 3+ times over a short period of time.

<aside> 💬 Excessive Character Spam 30m Mute → 1h Mute → 3h Mute


Sending a message that contains 20+ of the same or unrelated symbols.

<aside> 📣 Encouraging Spam 30m Mute → 1h Mute → 3h Mute


Encouraging or promoting other members to spam the chat.

<aside> 📣 Foreign Languages in Global Chat 30m Mute → 1h Mute → 3h Mute


Speaking other languages in the global chat is not allowed.

<aside> 👤 Staff Impersonation 1d Mute → 3d Mute → 7d Mute


Impersonating any staff member or staff rank or making false claims of being staff.